This recipe is easy to make and a quick meal if you have unexpected guest.

  1. Need 2.5 lbs of raw shrimp. Cleaned and devained. Place in a container with about 3/4 of lime juice or 6 limes give or take. Place in refrigerator for about 1 hour or so.


Meanwhile chop 1/4 onion,1/4 bunch of cilantro,3 jalapenos,2 tomatoes. Adjust ingredients to your liking. Remember cook for your family and what they like this is just a guide.

After the hour or so drain lime juice.Chop your shrimp and add your veggies. mix together and add salt and pepper to your liking. add the juice of 2 lime juice.

After let it sit in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or so.

Let us know if you have any questions.
